What can we do as Queer Allies? | During COVID -19


A lot of queer persons are currently forced to be in spaces where they cannot be themselves or in abusive spaces during COVID-19. What can we do to support them? Continue reading “What can we do as Queer Allies? | During COVID -19”

Mapping and negotiating power

Uncuff India Episode 10: Dimensions of conflict and peace: visioning a utopian world

Uncuff India Episode 9: Civic space and dissent: A pathway to social justice

Rise Up | The Role of Medical Professionals in Gender-based Violence Cases


The Rise Up series is a column that explores how the process of seeking justice can be a transformative tool to combat gender based crimes, while also recognising the survivor client’s agency, lived reality and desire for justice. The column explores the ways in which practitioners working or hoping to work in the field can adopt a gender sensitive lens in their work. Continue reading “Rise Up | The Role of Medical Professionals in Gender-based Violence Cases”

Mapping and negotiating power

Uncuff India Episode 10: Dimensions of conflict and peace: visioning a utopian world

Uncuff India Episode 9: Civic space and dissent: A pathway to social justice

Healing through Storytelling in Social Spaces


Who doesn’t remember those bedtime stories when the lights went down and the sun disappeared behind the night sky? Our worlds would then get illuminated with stories about mythical creatures, kings and their kingdoms, animals that built houses and about the old lady sewing magical garments in the sky.

Continue reading “Healing through Storytelling in Social Spaces”

Mapping and negotiating power

Uncuff India Episode 10: Dimensions of conflict and peace: visioning a utopian world

Uncuff India Episode 9: Civic space and dissent: A pathway to social justice