Team One Future | Haima Simoes

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Get to know the fabulous people behind the magic at One Future Collective.

Haima Simoes, Outreach Officer, Queer Resource Center

Tell us a little about yourself.
I’m an event manager at Gently Altered and I take up modelling whenever I have the time. Apart from work – I skate, play football, dabble in photography and can whip up a mean dal chawal.

Tell us about what you do at One Future Collective?
I’m an Outreach Officer with the Queer Resource Centre.

Why One Future Collective?
I had always admired OFC’s work and was looking for ways to make a meaningful contribution. Once QRC was established, I knew this is what I’d loved to do.

Your favourite One Future Collective memory.
I’m fairly new, hence I’m yet to form one 🙂 I must say – I had a wonderful time writing the ebook.

What inspires you?
Shared struggles and a hope for an equal future.

Top three book/song recommendations or both!
  • God of Small Things
  • The Kite Runner
  • Into the Wild